Airport Security and Employee ID Card Solutions
Airports ID Cards provide an important first line of protection from terrorism and other dangerous and disruptive activities.
The travelling public expects that security and life-safety systems are in place to prevent loss of life or injury. The establishment of a common perimeter with controlled access is fundamental to effective public safety. Airport ID Cards play a key role in enabling the correct determination of who should be allowed within an airports Restricted Area.

Airport ID Cards are usually produced by the Pass Control office, but other departments within an airport often produce other types if ID Cards for a variety of purposes. Parking Passes, Transit Passes, Taxi ID Cards, Shuttle Driver passes, Temporary Construction Worker and other Visitor Cards are used.
The Airport ID Card has a variety of internal security features to prevent easy duplication. Custom security laminates with holographic images, along with unique UV covert images, provide a high degree of confidence in the integrity of the Airport ID Card.
Speak with an ID Expert today to determine the most appropriate security features for your Airport ID Cards.