Retail Loyalty and Membership ID Cards
Retailers fight a daily battle for market share and brand recognition. An effective Loyalty Card program should enhance the customer experience and reward buying behaviour.
A retail establishment or a retail group may issue a Loyalty Card to a consumer who can then use it as a form of identification when dealing with that retailer. By presenting the card, the purchaser is typically entitled to either a discount on the current purchase, or an allotment of points that can be used for future purchases.
IDEXPERTS® has a range of cost effective card solutions and custom card printing products & services to enhance your store’s Loyalty program. Call our card experts to discuss a program that is suitable for you.
In addition to Loyalty cards and programs, IDEXPERTS® can provide a POS (Point of Sale) solution that integrates with your existing cards and manages transactions in a cash-less environment.
Casino Operators: Check out our FREE TRIAL of our new Casino Card Printer.